Pixelmator mask shape free -

Pixelmator mask shape free -

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- Pixelmator mask shape free


I think of clipping mask as a way to separate colour information on one layer from transparency information on another. So, a great way to paint your windows blue but not so good at cutting holes. Holes are better cut by a mask rather than a clipping mask or, if you're dealing with shapes by using subtract.

To subtract one shape from another, highlight both shapes in the layers pallette, right click on the top one and select Subtract. It will cut the top shape out of the bottom. Hope this helps. Have put quick sketch below. The windows are cut out of the house so a textured background which in hindsight I should have added would have shown through.

Wed May 08, pm Hey st3f Very cool! Thank you very much for pointing out what now seems so obvious. How come I didn't see this up to now? Now dear Wizards behind Pixelmator, since I'm here anyway: this would be perfect if it would work on Layer-Groups too.

Or is there already a obvious way to do that I missed again? Thu May 09, am Thank you for this tutorial. I appreciate it. Is there a way to paste an image any kind of image, pixels, shapes, text whatever INTO a layer mask. I'd like the freedom to paste anything I want into a layer mask.

Is that possible? Fri May 10, am Great! Thanks again! This will save me a lot of time and turnovers to other apps! Big fan of Pixelmator since it's early days.

Keep up the good work! Fri May 10, pm Happy to help! Sun Oct 06, am Maybe I missed this. When you have created a clipping mask how do you add formatting to it like, strokes, shadows, etc.

I have an eclipse shape with a photo and I want to add a border. I'm wondering if it's possible to create a clipping mask from a vector shape and then feather the edges of the mask.

I created a new document, added a photo, then added a vector shape. I moved the shape's layer below the photo's. That worked fine. In a clipping set, the bottommost layer also called the base layer sets the boundaries for the entire group. Any parts of the upper layers that go beyond the edges of the bottommost layer are hidden or, in other words, masked.

Select a layer or layer group you'll be using as a base layer and move it below the layer or layer group that you'll be clipping to. For example, you can quickly round the corners of an image by clipping it to an elliptical shape.

Pixelmator Community. Home Pixelmator Pro Masking Question. Follow thread. Fri Feb 15, am I'm trying to do something that should be simple but I can't see how to accomplish it.

I want to overlay an image with a semitransparent layer so that you can see what's in the image below but its somewhat opaque. Then I want to create one area that breaks through and is completely transparent, showing just one area of the image in the bottom layer. Then I assume I need to add a clipping mask.



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